Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 7/19/2024

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Document Table of Contents Initialization Guidelines for System Time Generation

You can enable the timestamp feature by setting Bit 0 of the MAC_Timestamp_Control register. However, it is essential that the timestamp counter must be initialized after this bit is set. Complete the following steps during EMAC initialization:

  1. Mask the timestamp trigger interrupt by clearing the bit 12 of MAC_Interrupt_Enable register.
  2. Set bit 0 of MAC_Timestamp_Control register to enable timestamping.
  3. Program MAC_Sub_Second_Increment register based on the PTP clock frequency.
  4. You can use either the Coarse Correction Method or the Fine-Correction Method to update the time.
  5. Program MAC_System_Time_Seconds_Update register and MAC_System_Time_Nanoseconds_Update register with the appropriate time value.
  6. Set bit 2 in MAC_Timestamp_Control register. The timestamp counter starts operation as soon as it is initialized with the value written in the timestamp update registers. If one-step timestamping is enabled:
    1. To enable one-step timestamping, program bit 27 of the TDES3 context descriptor.
    2. Program the registers MAC_Timestamp_Ingress_Asym_Corr and MAC_Timestamp_Egress_Asym_Corr to update the correction field in PDelay_Req PTP messages.
  7. Enable the MAC receiver and transmitter for proper timestamping.
Note: If timestamp operation is disabled by clearing bit 0 of MAC_Timestamp_Control register, you need to repeat all these steps to restart the timestamp operation.