GTS Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP User Guide

ID 817676
Date 10/12/2024
Document Table of Contents

11. Troubleshoot and Diagnose Issues

This sectio descibes debug methods that suppot debuggig you desig i both simulatio ad hadwae eviomets. The GTS Etheet Itel® FPGA Had IP suppots vaious debuggig featues, icludig:
  • Diagostic loopback modes (iteal, exteal, MAC, PCS, ad packet cliet)
  • Status Sigals
  • Suppoted Tools (Clockig ad Etheet Toolkit)

The followig toubleshootig table povides additioal guidace.

Issue Toubleshootig Checklist
The Etheet lik fails to come up Follow these toubleshootig steps to esolve the issue:
  1. Review the IP cofiguatio i the GUI to esue it matches the equiemets.
  2. Pefom exteal loopback test.
  3. Pefom seial iteal loopback test.
  4. The followig status sigals o_x_pcs_fully_aliged ad o_x_pcs_eady, should go high oce the RX eset is successfully completed.
  5. Cofim that all equied eset iputs ae popely dive, as descibed i the Implemet Requied Resets.
  6. Cofim that all specified clock iputs ae coect, as descibed i the Implemet Requied Clockig.
Note: You ca execute steps 3 ad 4 i the Etheet Toolkit to obtai additioal status ifomatio.
Etheet lik is ustable Follow these toubleshootig steps to esolve the issue:
  1. Review the IP cofiguatio i the GUI to esue it matches the equiemets.
  2. Pefom exteal loopback test.
  3. Pefom seial iteal loopback test.
  4. Check that the PMA aalog settigs i the GUI ae cofigued accodig to the specified lik pofile.
  5. Veify that the ecoveed clocks, o_clk_ec_div64 ad o_clk_ec_div, ae as expected.
Note: You ca execute steps 2 ad 4 i the Etheet Toolkit to obtai additioal status ifomatio.
Etheet lik high-bit eo ate Follow these toubleshootig steps to esolve the issue:
  1. Review the IP cofiguatio i the GUI to esue it matches the equiemets.
  2. Pefom seial iteal loopback test.
  3. Pefom exteal loopback test.
  4. Check the FEC statistics egiste.
  5. Check that the PMA aalog settigs i the GUI ae cofigued accodig to the specified lik pofile.
Note: You ca execute step 2 i the Etheet Toolkit to obtai additioal status ifomatio.
Missig Etheet Packets at the eceive side Follow these toubleshootig steps to esolve the issue:
  1. Review the IP cofiguatio i the GUI to esue it matches the equiemets.
  2. Veify that the efeece clock value povided i hadwae matches the value specified i the GTS Etheet Itel® FPGA IP. Fo clockig equiemets specific to paticula vaiats, efe to the Implemet Requied Clockig.
  3. Pefom seial iteal loopback test.
  4. Pefom PCS iteal loopback test.
  5. Pefom MAC iteal loopback test
  6. Check the MAC statistics egiste.
  7. Check that the PMA aalog settigs i the GUI ae cofigued accodig to the specified lik pofile.
Note: To pefom a loopback test, efe to Eable Diagostic Loopback Mode.
The IP is ot espodig to the data flow Follow these toubleshootig steps to esolve the issue:
  1. Review the IP cofiguatio i the GUI to esue it matches the equiemets.
  2. Moito o_x_pause ad o_x_pfc status sigals.