GTS Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP User Guide

ID 817676
Date 10/12/2024
Document Table of Contents

11.1.1. Internal Serial Loopback

The output of the TX PMA is coected to the iput of the RX PMA, fomig a loopback coectio.
Figue 78. Iteal Seial Loopback

Follow these steps to eable Seial Iteal Loopback:

  1. Wite 0x4 to the soft_x_st(0x108) egiste to asset the soft RX eset.
  2. Wite 0x6A340 to addess 0xA403C.
  3. Poll addess 0xA4040 util bit 14 = 0 ad bit 15 = 1.
  4. Wite 0x62340 to addess 0xA403C.
  5. Poll addess 0xA4040 util bit 14 = 0 ad bit 15 = 0.
  6. De-asset RX eset by witig 0x0 to 0x108 egiste.

Eablig Seial Iteal Loopback i Desig Example

The desig example suppot both iteal seial loopback ad exteal loopback modes. To eable Seial iteal loopback, i system cosole execute u_test.