Visible to Intel only — GUID: hjc1721775662248
Visible to Intel only — GUID: hjc1721775662248
A.5. Auto-Negotiation and Link Training
The Auto-Negotiatio ad Lik Taiig fo GTS Etheet Itel® FPGA Had IP implemets the auto-egotiatio ad lik taiig fo GTS Etheet pots. You must istatiate the GTS Auto-Negotiatio ad Lik Taiig fo Etheet Itel® FPGA Had IP ad coect it to the base Etheet IP. Each AN/LT IP suppots oe Etheet ate with same FEC mode ad ca be shaed with up to 16 Etheet pots.
Tu o the Eable auto-egotiatio ad lik taiig paamete i the GTS Etheet Itel® FPGA Had IP paamete edito to cofigue suppot fo auto-egotiatio ad lik taiig. Oce eabled, you must istatiate oe GTS AN/LT fo Etheet Itel FPGA IP istace pe each type of GTS Etheet Itel® FPGA Had IP Etheet pot. The, cofigue the same ate ad FEC mode fo both IPs.
If you pla to itegate multiple Etheet ates o you tile, you must istatiate multiple GTS AN/LT IPs. Fo istace, to suppot 10G ad 25G Etheet ates with auto-egotiatio ad lik taiig featues, you must istatiate two AN/LT IP istaces.
- AN/LT IP ad Base IP Coectios
- AN/LT IP Cofiguatio
Oce cofigued ad both IPs ae bought out of eset, the AN/LT fuctioality opeates automatically. Based o the cofiguatio, the AN/LT IP iitiates the AN/LT flows, ad the Base IP Etheet fuctio is tempoaily disabled. Upo completio of AN/LT, the Base IP is ecofigued ito "data mode" ad fuctios as a stadad Etheet pot. If the RX Etheet lik goes dow, the AN/LT IP may estat the auto-egotiatio flow, depedig o the cofiguatio.
At ay time, the use ca access the AN/LT IP CSRs to moito status, modify cofiguatio, o iteupt ad estat the flow fo ay Etheet pots coected to that AN/LT IP istace. If the use esets the AN/LT IP itself, the AN/LT IP estats the auto-egotiatio flow o all coected Etheet pots.
Fo a example of pope AN/LT coectivity ad cofiguatio, the use ca geeate a example desig fom the GTS Etheet IP GUI with the Eable auto-egotiatio ad lik taiig checkbox selected. This istatiates the AN/LT IP alogside the stadad Etheet example desig ad testbech. Note that geeatig a example desig diectly fom the AN/LT IP GUI is ot suppoted.