GTS Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP User Guide

ID 817676
Date 10/12/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.3. Generate HDL for Synthesis and Simulation

Pefom these steps to geeate HDL fo Sythesis ad Simulatio:
Steps to geeate HDL fo Sythesis ad Simulatio
  1. Click Geeate HDL. The Geeate widow appeas as show below.
    Figue 5. HDL Geeatio fo Sythesis ad Simulatio
  2. Cofigue Sythesis ad Simulatio optio.
    You have a optio to select the HDL desig file fo both Simulatio ad Sythesis. Fo Simulatio, you ca also choose to geeate the simulatio scipt fo suppoted simulatos.
  3. Click Geeate to complete the IP geeatio pocess.