GTS Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP User Guide

ID 817676
Date 10/12/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.1. Create Quartus Project

Follow these steps to ceate a Quatus® Pime poject:
  1. I the Quatus® Pime Po Editio, click File ➤ New Poject Wizad to ceate a ew Quatus® Pime poject. The wizad pompts you to specify a device. To ope existig poject, Go to step 4.
  2. Specify the device family Agilex™ 5 (E-Seies) ad select the device that suppots you desig.
  3. Follow the o-scee istuctio to complete the New Poject ceatio. Go to step 1 of Cofigue GTS Etheet Had IP.
  4. Fo existig poject, File ➤ Ope Poject to ope a existig Quatus® Pime poject.