GTS Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP User Guide

ID 817676
Date 10/12/2024
Document Table of Contents

10.5.3. Run the Hardware Test

Follow these steps to test the hardware design example on the System Console:
  1. Open Tools > System Debugging Tools > System Console or type the command:
    system-console &
  2. In the TCl Console window, type cd hwtest to change directory to <design_example_dir>/hardware_test_design/hwtest
  3. Type source main_10G.tcl to list the available JTAG masters:
  4. Type set_jtag <index> to select the appropriate JTAG master.
  5. Run one of the following commands:
    • If you use the internal serial loopback, enter the following command:
    • If you inserted an external loopback plug into the desired Ethernet port, enter the following command:
  6. The hardware design example uses the run_test/run_test_without_loopback command to initiate packet transmission from the packet generator to the IP core. Specifically, the script performs the following tasks:
    • chkphy_status: Displays the clock frequencies and PMA PHY lock status.
    • chkmac_stats: Displays the MAC statistics counters.
    • clear_all_stats: Clears the IP core statistics counters.
    • start_pkt_gen: Starts the packet generator.
    • stop_pkt_gen: Stops the packet generator.
    • run_test: Turns on internal serial loopback.
    • run_test_without_loopback: Turns off internal serial loopback.
    • reg_read <addr>: Returns the IP core register value at <addr>. Example to read the TX datapath PCS ready register: Type reg_read 0x322.
    • reg_write <addr> <data>: Writes <data> to the IP core register at address<addr>. Example to initiate soft reset on RX datapath: Type reg_write 0x108 0x0004.
  7. Verify that the output of the TCL script matches the output from a sample test run, shown below:
    % run_testAN CFG1 Register Value:0x737d0281
    AN STAT:0x000010e6
    LT STAT:0x00000001
    --- Turning off packet generation ----
    --------- Enabling loopback ----------
    Serial loopback on INST_NUM:0 Lane# 3 is disabled
    ---Asserting CSR RX Reset ---- 
    Value from issp reset probe is 0x89/0b10001001
    1. 0x6A340 
    2. 0x0006a340
    Polling Successful Bit 15: 0x000001, Bit 14: 0x000000
    1. 0x62340
    2. 0x0033236e
    Polling Successful Bit 15: 0x000000, Bit 14: 0x000000
    ---Releasing CSR Reset ----
     Serial loopback on INST_NUM:0 Lane# 3 is disabled
    --- Wait for RX clock to settle... ---
    -------- Printing PHY status ---------
    RX PHY Register Access: Checking Clock Frequencies (KHz)
          TXCLK     :161140  (KHZ) 
          RXCLK     :161130  (KHZ)
    TX PLL Lock Status          0x00000001
    Rx Frequency Lock Status    0x00000001
    RX PCS Ready                0x1
    TX Lanes Stable             0x1
    Deskewed Status             0x0
    Link Fault Status           0x00000000
    Rx Frame Error              0x00000000
    Rx AM LOCK Condition        0x0000ffff
    ---- Clearing MAC stats counters -----
    --- Initialize PKT ROM Read address for IP_INST[0]----
    --------- Sending packets... ---------
    ----- Reading MAC stats counters -----
                            STATISTICS FOR BASE 0x50000 (Rx)                          
    Fragmented Frames                : 0 
    Jabbered Frames                  : 0 
    Any Size with FCS Err Frame      : 0 
    Right Size with FCS Err Fra      : 0 
    Multicast data  Err Frames       : 0 
    Broadcast data Err  Frames       : 0 
    Unicast data Err  Frames         : 0 
    Multicast control  Err Frame     : 0 
    Broadcast control Err  Frame     : 0 
    Unicast control Err  Frames      : 0 
    Pause control Err  Frames        : 0 
    64 Byte Frames                   : 0 
    65 - 127 Byte Frames             : 16 
    128 - 255 Byte Frames            : 0 
    256 - 511 Byte Frames            : 0 
    512 - 1023 Byte Frames           : 0 
    1024 - 1518 Byte Frames          : 0 
    1519 - MAX Byte Frames           : 0 
    > MAX Byte Frames                : 0 
    Rx Frame Starts                  : 16 
    Multicast data  OK  Frame        : 16 
    Broadcast data OK   Frame        : 0 
    Unicast data OK   Frames         : 0 
    Multicast Control Frames         : 0 
    Broadcast Control Frames         : 0 
    Unicast Control Frames           : 0 
    Pause Control Frames             : 0 
    Data and padding octets          : 800 
    Frame octets                     : 1088 
                            STATISTICS FOR BASE 0x50000 (Tx)                          
    Fragmented Frames                : 0 
    Jabbered Frames                  : 0 
    Any Size with FCS Err Frame      : 0 
    Right Size with FCS Err Fra      : 0 
    Multicast data  Err Frames       : 0 
    Broadcast data Err  Frames       : 0 
    Unicast data Err  Frames         : 0 
    Multicast control  Err Frame     : 0 
    Broadcast control Err  Frame     : 0 
    Unicast control Err  Frames      : 0
    Pause control Err  Frames        : 0 
    64 Byte Frames                   : 0 
    65 - 127 Byte Frames             : 16 
    128 - 255 Byte Frames            : 0 
    256 - 511 Byte Frames            : 0 
    512 - 1023 Byte Frames           : 0 
    1024 - 1518 Byte Frames          : 0 
    1519 - MAX Byte Frames           : 0 
    > MAX Byte Frames                : 0 
    Tx Frame Starts                  : 16 
    Multicast data  OK  Frame        : 16 
    Broadcast data OK   Frame        : 0 
    Unicast data OK   Frames         : 0 
    Multicast Control Frames         : 0 
    Broadcast Control Frames         : 0 
    Unicast Control Frames           : 0 
    Pause Control Frames             : 0 
    Data and padding octets          : 800 
    Frame octets                     : 1088 
    ---------------- Done ----------------
    Serial loopback on INST_NUM:0 Lane# 3 is enabled
    ---Asserting CSR RX Reset ---- 
    Value from issp reset probe is 0x89/0b10001001
    1. 0x0A340 
    2. 0x0000a340
    Polling Successful Bit 15: 0x000001 , Bit 14: 0x000000
    1. 0x02340
    2. 0x0033236e
    Polling Successful Bit 15: 0x000000 , Bit 14: 0x000000
    ---Releasing CSR Reset ----
    Serial loopback on INST_NUM:0 Lane# 3 is disabled