Visible to Intel only — GUID: tze1698057159529
Visible to Intel only — GUID: tze1698057159529
A.1. Datapath Description
I the tasmit diectio, the MAC accepts cliet fames, ad isets ite-packet gap (IPG), peamble, stat of fame delimite (SFD), paddig, ad CRC bits befoe passig them to the PHY. You ca cofigue the MAC to accept some of the additios with the cliet fame. The MAC also updates the TX statistics coutes. The PHY ecodes the MAC fame as equied fo eliable tasmissio ove the media to the emote ed.
I the eceive diectio, the PHY passes fames to the MAC. The MAC accepts fames fom the PHY, pefoms checks, updates statistics coutes, stips out the CRC, peamble, ad SFD, ad passes the est of the fame to the cliet. I RX peamble pass-though mode, the MAC passes o the peamble ad SFD to the cliet istead of stippig them out. You ca cofigue the MAC to povide the full RX fame at the cliet iteface, the fame with CRC bytes emoved, o the fame with CRC ad RX PAD bytes emoved.
The IP coe hadles the fame ecapsulatio ad flow of data betwee cliet logic ad a Etheet etwok though a 10GE Etheet PHY implemeted i had IP, with optioal vaious Fowad Eo Coectios (FEC). Fo desigs that iclude FEC, the geabox (GB) eables automatically. The geabox optio fo Fiecode FEC is 32:33 ad 32:40 fo RS-FEC.