GTS Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP User Guide

ID 817676
Date 10/12/2024
Document Table of Contents

11.1.2. Enable MAC Loopback

The output of the TX MAC is coected to the iput of the RX MAC, fomig a loopback coectio.
Figue 79. Eable MAC Loopback

Follow these steps to eable MAC Loopback:

  1. Wite 0x1 to bit 0 of the eio_sys_st(0x108) to eset the GTS Etheet Itel® FPGA IP.
  2. If iteal seial loopback is eabled, disable it by:
    1. Witig 0x0A340 to addess 0xA403C
    2. Poll addess 0xA4040 util bit 14 = 0 ad bit 15 = 1
    3. Wite 0x02340 to addess 0xA403C
    4. Poll addess 0xA4040 util bit 14 = 0 ad bit 15 = 0
  3. Pefom MAC loopback by witig 0x04 to 0x50028egiste.
  4. Wite 0x1 to bit 0 of igoe_x_lock2data (0x10018).
  5. Deasset the soft global eset by witig 0x0 to bit 0 of eio_sys_st(0x108).
  6. Wite 0x1 to bit 0 of hadwae packet cliet cotol hw_pc_ctl egiste at addess 0x00 to istuct the packet cliet to tasmit data ad stat the packet geeato. Alteatively, wite 0x1 to 0x100000 egiste.
  7. Check MAC statistics by uig the commad chkmac_stats.