GTS Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP User Guide

ID 817676
Date 10/12/2024
Document Table of Contents

4.1.5. Implement Clock Connections in PTP-Based Design

Whe you eable Eable IEEE 1588 PTP paamete i you IP, you must clock all Etheet IP coes with the same system clock souce o_clk_pll of the PTP adapte. The equied iput clock souce is a system clock souce divided by 2, with a miimum fequecy of 402.83 MHz.

Whe you eable Eable asychoous adapte clocks alog with the Eable IEEE 1588 PTP paamete i you IP, the i_clk_pll sigal must coect to the same system clock souce. The i_clk_tx ad i_clk_x iput clock sigals ca be asychoous with espect to each othe ad o_clk_pll, as log as they ae fast eough to esue the IP coe chael pocesses all data successfully.

The PTP adapte's i_clk_sys clock is souced fom its ow o_clk_pll clock.

Figue 19. Clock Coectios i PTP-Based Sychoous Opeatio
Figue 20. Clock Coectios i PTP-Based Asychoous Opeatio