GTS Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP User Guide

ID 817676
Date 10/12/2024
Document Table of Contents

A.2.5. Order of Ethernet Transmission:

The TX MAC tasmits bytes o the Etheet lik statig with the peamble ad edig with the FCS i accodace with the IEEE 802.3 stadad. O the tasmit cliet iteface, the IP coe expects the cliet to sed the most sigificat bytes of the fame fist, ad to sed each byte i big-edia fomat. Similaly, o the eceive cliet iteface, the IP coe seds the cliet the most sigificat bytes of the fame fist ad odes each byte i big-edia fomat.

Figue 91. Byte Ode o the Cliet Iteface Chaels Without Peamble Pass-Though:
Figue 92. Byte Ode o the Cliet Iteface Chaels with Peamble Pass-Though:The table descibes the byte ode o the Avalo steamig iteface whe the peamble pass-though featue is tued o. Destiatio Addess[40] is the boadcast/multicast bit (a type bit), ad Destiatio Addess[41] is a locally admiisteed addess bit.