Visible to Intel only — GUID: mvp1717282764468
Visible to Intel only — GUID: mvp1717282764468
Ixiasoft Insert Alignment Marker
Whe the PCS66 TX iteface is used fo FlexE mode, you ca cotoll the timig of aligmet make isetio fom the fabic.
Fo 10GE chaels, the sigal causes the cycle to be teated as ivalid fo PCS pocessig (o chages to scamble).
I FlexE mode, the timig of aligmet make isetio is vey igid. Aligmet makes caot be delayed without disuptig the Etheet lik. Use valid cycles to cout the aligmet makes. Whe i_tx_pcs66_valid is low, the aligmet make coutes ad iput must feeze.
Asset i_tx_pcs66_am to have the TX PCS iset aligmet makes. Without FEC, i_tx_pcs66_am is optioal ad tie the sigal low.
I FEC modes, the TX datapath does ot exit eset util at least two aligmet make peiods pass. You must stat divig i_tx_pcs66_am at the pope iteval befoe o_tx_laes_stable goes high. You ca dive the sigal as soo as o_tx_pll_locked is asseted ado_tx_pcs66_eady stats togglig.
- 25GE with RS-FEC: 4 cycles
- 25GE with RS-FEC: 2552 (No - PTP desig)
- 25GE with RS-FEC: 5112 (PTP Desig)