GTS Ethernet Intel® FPGA Hard IP User Guide

ID 817676
Date 10/12/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.3.1. Simulation Testbench Flow

The testbech executes the followig activities fo vaious modes, icludig PCS, OTN, ad FlexE:
  1. Asset global eset (i_st_) to eset the GTS Etheet Itel® FPGA Had IP .
  2. Wait util eset ackowledgmet. The o_st_ack_ sigal goes low.
  3. Deasset the global eset.
  4. Wait util o_tx_laes_stable bit is set to 1, idicatig TX path is eady.
  5. Wait util o_x_pcs_eady bit is set to 1, idicatig RX path is eady.
  6. Istuct packet cliet to tasmit data. Wite cfg_stat_pkt_ge[0]=1'b1 to stat the packet geeato.
    Note: The packet cliet seds out idle data i MII/PCS66 fomat whe o packet is beig tasmitted.
  7. Read RX packet data ifomatio fom 0x38 - 0x4C egistes i sequetial ode:
    1. 0x00: Set sapshot eable bit to ead the RX packet statistics (set bit 6 of hw_pc_ctl egiste 0x00 to 1'b1
    2. 0x38/0x3C: RX stat of packet coute (LSB/MSB)
    3. 0x40/0x44: RX ed of packet coute (LSB/MSB)
    4. 0x48/0x4C: RX eo coute (LSB/MSB)
    5. 0x00: Disable sapshot bit (set bit 6 of hw_pc_ctl egiste 0x00 to 1'b0
  8. Read TX packet data ifomatio fom 0x00 - 0x34 egistes i sequetial ode:
    1. 0x00: Set sapshot eable bit to ead the TX packet statistics (set bit 6 of hw_pc_ctl egiste = 1'b1 to 0x00 to 1'b1
    2. 0x20/0x24: TX stat of packet coute (LSB/MSB)
    3. 0x28/0x2C: TX ed of packet coute (LSB/MSB)
    4. 0x00: Disable sapshot bit (set bit 6 of hw_pc_ctl egiste 0x00 to 1'b0
  9. Compae the coutes to esue 16 packets wee set ad eceived.
  10. Istuct packet cliet to stop data tasmissio. Wite cfg_stat_pkt_ge[0]=1'b0 to stop the packet geeato.
  11. Wite 0x1 to cfg_clea_coutes to clea the packet geeato coute.
  12. Pefom Avalo® memoy-mapped iteface test. Wite ad ead Etheet IP egistes:
    • 0x104: Scatch egiste
    • 0x108: Etheet IP soft eset egiste
    • 0x004: Etheet IP debug cofiguatio cotol egiste
    • 0x008: Etheet IP eable/clock gatig cofiguatio egiste
  13. Pefom Avalo® memoy-mapped iteface 2 test. Wite ad ead tasceive egistes.