Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 4/01/2024

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8.7.5. HPS_COLD_nRESET Pin Function

The HPS_COLD_nRESET signal is an active low, bidirectional pin. You can assign HPS_COLD_nRESET to an available SDM I/O pin. This pin serves both as an input to reset the HPS and as an output to the external system to indicate that the HPS is in reset. Do not connect HPS_COLD_nRESET to the external flash. The SDM controls the reset of the external flash separately. You can configure this pin using the Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition, under Device and Pin options Configuration Configuration pin option.

Important: Connect this pin through a 1-10 kohm pull up to the VCCIO_SDM supply. External devices must release this signal and allow the pin to float high when not driving it low.
Note: Refer to the Agilex™ 5 Configuration User Guide for descriptions of how to load configuration bitstreams.

The following sections describe the behavior of the HPS_COLD_nRESET signal during various Boot events and Reset events.