Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents DDR Firewalls

The MPFE NoC implements a firewall on the output of the CCU_DMI0, CCU_DMI1, and F2SDRAM initiator NIUs that support 8 memory regions. The firewall region can be configured by software to be as small as 64 kbytes or as large as 128 Gbytes, aligned to a 64 kbyte boundary. AxUSER[7:0] is utilized to determine which masters have access to a region.

The firewall checks the Secure bit of a transaction against the Secure state of the slave. A transaction that passes the firewall proceeds normally to the Slave. A transaction that fails the Firewall receives an error response with random data. Transactions that fail the firewall must never be presented to the Slave interface.

Note: Since CCU_DMI0 and CCU_DMI1 are interleaved in some use cases on a 4K boundary, the configuration of the associated firewalls needs to be the same. Failure to do so may lead to unpredictable results.