Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual: Agilex™ 5 SoCs

ID 814346
Date 4/01/2024

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Document Table of Contents Command Queue Settings

The eMMC command queue settings are used to configure the eMMC command queue timer. The SD/eMMC host controller read-only registers associated with these inputs are not modifiable by software, and these inputs are driven by a register in the system manager.

Table 216.  Command Queue Settings
Signal Name Register Bit Name Default Value Description
hwinit_itcfmul[3:0] ITCMFMUL 4’b0000

ITCFMUL – Internal Timer Clock Frequency Multiplier (ITCFMUL)

Defines the multiplier of internal clock frequency for the coalescing timer and for the SQS polling period.

0 – 0.001 MHz

1 – 0.01 MHz

2 – 0.1 MHz

3 – 1 MHz

4 – 10 MHz

The ITCFMUL and ITCFVAL define the clock frequency.

Default is 50 KHz

hwinit_itcfval[9:0] ITCMFVAL 10’h32 ITCFVAL – Internal Timer Clock Frequency Value (ITCFVAL) Value defines internal clock frequency for the coalescing timer and for the SQS polling period. The frequency is equal to ITCFMUL * ITCFVAL.
hwinit_itcfsel[3:0] ITCFSEL 1’b0 ITCFSEL – This is a system clock divider value. The internal timer clock frequency equals to clk (when hwinit_itcfsel=0) and clk/2(hwinit_itcfsel-1 ) where clk is the main SD/eMMC controller clock.