Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 10/04/2021

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Document Table of Contents Avalon® Streaming Credit Wide to Narrow Adapter

The Avalon® Streaming Credit Wide to Narrow Adapter has the following blocks for performing primary functions.
Table 66.   Avalon® Streaming Credit Wide to Narrow Adapter Blocks
Adapter Block Function
Data Management Accepts incoming wide data and converts the wide data to narrow data for the sink.
Credit Management Accepts incoming credits from sink and sends credits to the source. However, credits received from sink do not directly transfer to the source. Internally, this adapter implements credit management logic. The adapter sends data out if there are credits and data available. If all the credits from sink are serviced, then the adapter holds the incoming data from the source side until the adapter receives more credits from the sink.
Packet Management Accepts the startofpacket, endofpacket, and empty package signals and drives them appropriately, while maintaining packet and data integrity, on the output.
User Signal Management Accepts user defined signals (such as channel, error, user_signal_per_packet, user_signal_per_symbol) and sends the signal to the source side, in accordance with the wide to narrow conversion.

The adaptor is available for parameterization as Avalon Streaming Credit Wide to Narrow Adapter Intel FPGA IP in the Platform Designer IP Catalog.

Figure 172.  Avalon® Streaming Credit Wide to Narrow Adapter