Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition User Guide: Platform Designer

ID 683609
Date 10/04/2021

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3.3.5. Defining HDL Parameters in _hw.tcl

Platform Designer supports the ability to reconfigure features of parameterized modules, such as data bus width or FIFO depth. Platform Designer creates an HDL wrapper when you perform Generate HDL. By modifying your _hw.tcl files to specify parameter attributes and port properties, you can use Platform Designer to generate reusable RTL.
  1. To define an alterable HDL parameter, you must declare the following two attributes for the parameter:
    • set_parameter_property <parameter_name> HDL_PARAMETER true
    • set_parameter_property <parameter_name> AFFECTS_GENERATION false
  2. To have parameterized ports created in the instantiation wrapper, you can either set the width expression when adding a port to an interface, or set the width expression in the port property in _hw.tcl:
    • To set the width expression when adding a port:

      add_interface_port <interface> <port> <signal_type> <direction> <width_expression>
    • To set the width expression in the port property:

      set_port_property <port> WIDTH_EXPR <width_expression>
  3. To create and generate the IP component in Platform Designer editor, click the Open System > IP Variant tab, specify the new IP variant name in the IP Variant field and choose the _hw.tcl file that defines user alterable HDL parameters in the Component type field.
  4. Click Generate HDL to generate the IP core. Platform Designer generates a parameterized HDL module for you directly.

To instantiate the IP component in your HDL file, click Generate > Show Instantiation Template in the Platform Designer editor to display an instantiation template in Verilog or VHDL. Now you can instantiate the IP core in your top-level design HDL file with the template code.

Figure 85. Instantiation Template Dialog Box

The following sample contains _hw.tcl to set exportable width values:

Sample _hw.tcl Component with User Alterable Expressions

package require -exact qsys 17.1 set_module_property NAME demo set_module_property DISPLAY_NAME "Demo" set_module_property ELABORATION_CALLBACK elaborate # add exportable hdl parameter RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH add_parameter RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH INTEGER 48 set_parameter_property RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH AFFECTS_GENERATION false set_parameter_property RECONFIG_DATA_WIDTH HDL_PARAMETER true # add exportable hdl parameter RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH add_parameter RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH INTEGER 32 set_parameter_property RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH AFFECTS_GENERATION false set_parameter_property RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH HDL_PARAMETER true # add non-exportable hdl parameter add_parameter l_addr INTEGER 32 set_parameter l_addr HDL_PARAMETER false # add interface add_interface s0 conduit end proc elaborate {} { add_interface_port s0 rdata readdata output "reconfig_data_width*2 + l_addr" add_interface_port s0 raddr readaddress output [get_parameter_value RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH] set_port_property raddr WIDTH_EXPR "RECONFIG_ADDR_WIDTH" }