AXI Streaming Intel® FPGA IP for PCI Express* User Guide

ID 790711
Date 7/08/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.10. Control and Status Register Responder Interface (lite_csr)

The IP provides a Control and Status Register Interface to access registers implemented in its modules. You can access PCI/PCIe Configuration Registers of all Functions through this interface as well as SS soft register space registers implemented in design. The interface follows AXI4-Lite protocol.

The IP does not differentiate between non-secure and secure accesses. All accesses are considered secure.

Table 64.  Control and Status Register Responder Interface
Signal Name Direction Clock Domain Description
Write Address Channel
app_ss_lite_csr_awvalid Input axi_lite_clk Indicates that the write address channel signals are valid.
ss_app_lite_csr_awready Output axi_lite_clk Indicates that a transfer on the write address channel can be accepted.
app_ss_lite_csr_awaddr[LiteSlvAWD-1:0] Input axi_lite_clk

The address of the first transfer in a write transaction.

The default value of LiteSlvAWD = 18

ss_app_lite_csr_awprot Input axi_lite_clk Reserved for future use.
ss_app_lite_csr_arprot Input axi_lite_clk Reserved for future use.
Write Data Channel
app_ss_lite_csr_wvalid Input axi_lite_clk Indicates that the write data channel signals are valid.
ss_app_lite_csr_wready Output axi_lite_clk Indicates that a transfer on the write data channel can be accepted.
app_ss_lite_csr _wdata[LiteSlvDWD-1:0] Input axi_lite_clk

Write Data

The default value of LiteSlvDWD=32

app_ss_lite_csr_wstrb[LiteSlvDWD/8-1:0] Input axi_lite_clk Write strobes, indicate which byte lanes hold valid data.
Write Response Channel
ss_app_lite_csr_bvalid Output axi_lite_clk Indicates that the write response channel signals are valid.
app_ss_lite_csr_bready Input axi_lite_clk Indicates that a transfer on the write response channel can be accepted.
ss_app_lite_csr_bresp[1:0] Output axi_lite_clk Write response, indicates the status of a write transaction.
Read Address Channel
app_ss_lite_csr_arvalid Input axi_lite_clk Indicates that the read address channel signals are valid.
ss_app_lite_csr_arready Output axi_lite_clk Indicates that a transfer on the read address channel can be accepted.
app_ss_lite_csr_araddr[LiteSlvAWD-1:0] Input axi_lite_clk

The address of the first transfer in a read transaction.

The default value of LiteSlvAWD = 18

Read Data Channel
ss_app_lite_csr_rvalid Output axi_lite_clk Indicates that the read data channel signals are valid.
app_ss_lite_csr_rready Input axi_lite_clk Indicates that a transfer on the read data channel can be accepted.
ss_app_lite_csr_rdata[LiteSlvDWD:0] Output axi_lite_clk

Read data

The default value of LiteSlvDWD=32

ss_app_lite_csr_rresp[1:0] Output axi_lite_clk Read response, indicates the status of a read transfer.
Figure 59. Control and Status Register Responder Interface Timing Diagram