GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 817660
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

6.4. Simulating the GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel FPGA IP Example Design Testbench

Follow these steps to simulate the testbech:
Figue 86. Steps to Simulate the Example Desig
  1. At the commad pompt, chage to the testbech simulatio diectoy <example_desig/testbech>.
    cd <diectphy_example_desig>/example_desig/testbech
  2. Ru the simulatio usig the suppoted simulatos by executig the simulatio scipt file. To simulate with VCS* MX, chage to the example_desig/testbech diectoy ad the lauch the simulatio usig the shell scipt:
    Note: Fo VCS* MX simulatios, the simulato geeates a syopsys/vcsmx folde upo a successful simulatio u. You have to geeate the simulatio wavefom fom the syopsys/vcsmx folde.
    To u the simulatio i QuestaSim* , u the followig commad:
    vsim -c -do u_vsim.tcl
    To u the simulatio i Xcelium* , u the followig commad:
    To u the simulatio i Riviea-PRO* , u the followig commad:
    vsim -c -do
    Note: Cuetly oly Riviea-PRO* vesio 2024.04 is suppoted.
  3. The followig steps show the simulatio testbech flow fo the example desig:
    1. Asset esets i_tx_eset ad i_x_eset to eset the IP.
    2. Wait util esets ae ackowledged, whe o_tx_eset_ack ad o_x_eset_ack go high.
    3. Deasset the esets, i_tx_eset ad i_x_eset. Moito o_tx_eady bit is set to 1, idicatig TX path is eady.
    4. Moito o_x_eady bit is set to 1, idicatig the RX path is eady.
    5. Moito o_tx_pll_locked bit is set to 1, idicatig that the TX PLL is locked to efeece clock withi the PPM theshold status sigal.
    6. Moito o_x_is_lockedtoef bit is set to 1, idicatig the CDR is fequecy locked to efeece clock withi the PPM theshold.
    7. Moito o_x_is_lockedtodata bit is set to 1, idicatig idicates that the CDR is i locked-to-data mode.
    8. Moito tx_clkout_feq_valid bit is set to 1, idicatig TX clock output fequecy is withi the uppe ad lowe limits as expected i the defiitio file.
    9. Moito x_clkout_feq_valid bit is set to 1, idicatig RX clock output fequecy is withi the uppe ad lowe limits as expected i the defiitio file.
    10. Moito veifie_lock bit is set to 1, idicatig that the lock to the RX data patte afte successfully pedictig 16 cosecutive pattes i RX data.
    11. Moito veifie_eo bit is ot set to 1. If it is 1, this idicates the RX data is diffeet tha the expected esult.
  4. Aalyze the esults, a passig testbech displays the followig messages i the simulatio widow, Test case Passed ad Simulatio Passed, as show i the followig figues.
    Figue 87. Sample Results fo the PMA Diect PHY Example Desig Testbech
    Figue 88. Sample Results fo the FEC Diect PHY Example Desig Testbech