GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 817660
Date 10/07/2024
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5.5. GTS Reset Sequencer Intel FPGA IP Design Flow

The desig flow fo the GTS Reset Sequece Itel FPGA IP is descibed below:
  1. Add the GTS Reset Sequece Itel FPGA IP fom the IP Catalog ito you desig as show i the followig figue.
    Figue 77. IP Catalog
  2. Select the total Numbe of Bak(s) that you wat to use fo the GTS Reset Sequece Itel FPGA IP as show i the followig figue.
    Figue 78. IP Paametes fo Bak Selectio
  3. Select the total Numbe of Reset Sequece Lae(s) that you wat to use fo the GTS Reset Sequece Itel FPGA IP as show i the followig figue.
    Figue 79. IP Paametes fo Lae Selectio
  4. Coect o_sc_s_gat ad i_sc_s_eq to the chaels. The o_sc_s_gat ad i_sc_s_eq must be coected to the same chael so that the eset opeatio woks accodigly. Fo simplex applicatios, each simplex PMA occupies oe chael; theefoe, it eeds its ow o_sc_s_gat ad i_sc_s_eq sigals.
    Note: Fo dual simplex mode, you must coect each RX ad TX chael to the same o_sc_s_gat ad i_sc_s_eq sigals.
  5. Coect o_pma_cu_clk to i_pma_cu_clk iput of the GTS PMA/FEC Diect PHY Itel FPGA IP ad potocol IPs. If thee ae two o moe IPs i the same bak, the IPs must be coected to the same o_pma_cu_clk. Fo ay sepaate bak, make sue to use diffeet o_pma_cu_clk fo each bak.
    Note: Thee is o ode equiemet fo the o_pma_cu_clk sigal.
  6. Fo chaels that eed to be pioitized fo eset sequecig, tie i_sc_s_pioity to 1 fo that specific chael based o the coectio of bits o_sc_s_gat ad i_sc_s_eq fo that chael. Fo o-pioity (omal) eset sequece chaels, tie the i_sc_s_pioity to 0. Fo example, the value 4’b0010, sets the pioity to lae 2.
Note: You ca skip steps 3. 4, ad 6. if you set the Eable PCIE ad/o HPS USB3.1 oly desig optio to Eable i the IP paamete GUI, sice the paametes ad pots ae uavailable. If you ae usig Platfom Desige, fo steps 4 ad 5, you must coect o_sc_s_gat, i_sc_s_eq, ad o_pma_cu_clk sigals usig wie-level expessios. Refe Editig Wie-Level Expessios i the Quatus® Pime Po Editio Use Guide: Platfom Desige fo moe details.