Visible to Intel only — GUID: emj1664901256236
Visible to Intel only — GUID: emj1664901256236
2.1.1. PMA
Each PMA chael offes exceptioal sigal itegity capability fo NRZ tasmissio acoss vaious suppoted potocols ad popietay seial itefaces. The PMA icludes tasmit ad eceive buffes, seialize/deseialize, built-i debug featues, idividual TX PLL, ad RX CDR PLL fo idepedet chael opeatios. The PMA also has a cotol uit which is a fimwae wappe fo RX adaptatio, AN/LT fo Etheet ad o-die istumetatio (ODI) fuctios. Whe you use the PMA fo a simplex potocol, you ca implemet aothe idepedet simplex potocol i the uused tasmitte o eceive usig the dual simplex mode. Refe to the GTS Tasceive Dual Simplex Itefaces Use Guide fo the potocol IPs that suppot dual simplex mode ad the implemetatio flow.