GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 817660
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents Receiver Buffer and Equalizer

The eceive aalog fot ed is show i the followig figue.
Figue 19. Simplified Receive Aalog Fot Ed
The vaious capacitos ad esistos fo the eceive aalog fot ed ae descibed below:
  1. You ca implemet o boad AC couplig capacitos, Co-boad, based o applicable stadads.
  2. Co-chip, o-chip AC couplig capacito is 1pF. It is always o ad is oly bypassed i SDI mode.
  3. RDIFF-DC, DC diffeetial eceive impedace is pogammable to 85Ω o 100Ω.
  4. Whe you implemet o-boad AC couplig capacitos you must set VRX-CM-DC to goud temiatio. Whe it is DC coupled ad o o-boad AC couplig capacitos ae implemeted, VRX-CM-DC, eceive iput DC commo-mode voltage (o-SDI mode) at the bumps must be:
    1. Smalle tha 700mV, if squelch detect is ot used.
    2. Must be betwee 200mV to 300mV, if squelch detect is used.
    Vcm is set to 700mV automatically if you use SDI mode.
Note: Refe to Cofiguable Quatus® Pime Settigs o Aalog Paamete Optios fo details about how to set the RX temiatio mode.
The eceive buffe eceives seial data fom iput pis ad feeds it to the CDR block ad deseialize. To optimize the bit eo ate (BER) fo optimum pefomace, eceive equalizatio suppots adaptive ad maual tuig.