GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 817660
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

8.3.1. Modifying the Design to Enable GTS Transceiver Debug Toolkit

To eable debuggig capabilities, you must eable the Avalo® memoy-mapped iteface paametes i the GTS PMA/FEC Diect PHY Itel FPGA IP.

You ca eithe activate these settigs whe you fist istatiate the IP o modify the istaces afte pelimiay compilatio. Follow these steps to eable the settigs:
  1. I the IP Compoets tab of the Poject Navigato, ight click the IP istace, ad select Edit i Paamete Edito.
  2. Eable the Avalo® Memoy-Mapped Iteface, Diect PHY soft CSR, ad Debug Edpoit o Avalo® Iteface optios ude the Avalo® Memoy-Mapped Iteface tab as show i the followig figue.
    Figue 96. Paametes to Eable Tasceive Toolkit i GTS PMA/FEC Diect PHY Itel FPGA IP
  3. Coect the efeece sigals that the debuggig logic equies, if applicable. The debug edpoit equies clock ad eset sigal coectios. Fo details o how to coect these sigals, efe to Cofiguig the GTS PMA/FEC Diect PHY FPGA IP fo Hadwae Testig.
  4. Click Geeate HDL. Afte eablig paametes fo all the IP istaces i the desig, ecompile the poject.