GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 817660
Date 10/07/2024

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6.6. Hardware Testing the GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel FPGA IP Example Design

You can perform hardware testing of the example design on the Agilex™ 5 FPGA E-Series 065B Premium Development Kit (ES1) board. You must select this development kit in the Select Board setting in the Example Design tab of the IP GUI, so that the reference clock and channel pin assignments are generated for the development kit’s hardware design by the Quartus® Prime software in the .qsf file.

If you require to change the pin assignments of the example design, you can comment the following lines in the example_design.qsf file.
#set_global_assignment -name POST_MODULE_SCRIPT_FILE "quartus_sh:board_assignments.tcl"
#set_global_assignment -name PRE_FLOW_SCRIPT_FILE "quartus_sh:board_assignments.tcl"
After you have commented out the lines, you can set the pin assignments according to your board setup and the assignments are reflected in the example design.

Prior to the hardware testing, you need to ensure that the TX and RX serial data pin are connected correctly with external loopback module on the board. In addition, you should ensure that the system PLL, TX PLL and RX CDR PLL reference clock frequency is set correctly from the board clock source. You may also need to reconfigure the Agilex™ 5 FPGA E-Series 065B Premium Development Kit’s clock generator IC to ensure that the reference clock frequency matches the example design settings. You can find the instructions to make these change in the Agilex™ 5 FPGA E-Series 065B Premium Development Kit user guide.

Once you have compiled the example design and programmed the Agilex™ 5 FPGA E-Series 065B Premium Development Kit, you can use System Console command window to perform the following loopback tests:
  • Internal serial loopback test
  • External serial loopback test (with external loopback module connected)
You can use the following steps to perform the loopback tests:
  1. Navigate to the example design hardware directory, <design_example>/hwtest.
  2. Open Tools > System Debugging Tools > System Console
  3. Run the following command in System Console:
    1. source main.tcl
      Note: Ensure that you are in the main hardware directory folder or else you may get a no source file found error.
  4. When you source the main.tcl, all the JTAG connections are listed on the console. You can also set the JTAG connections that you are using by using the following command:
    1. set_jtag <number_of appropriate_JTAG_master>
      Note: The set_jtag command places the Agilex™ 5 device on the JTAG chain. If you do not want to provide a reset when selecting JTAG, use the command, set_jtag_no_reset.
  5. You can use the following command in System Console to test the internal serial loopback:
    1. run_test_silb
      The following figure displays the sample results of a successful run of the internal serial loopback test.
      Figure 90. Successful Hardware Testing Results For the Internal Serial Loopback Test
  6. You can use the following command in System Console to test the external serial loopback, if you have connected an external loopback module to the development kit.
    1. run_test_elb
      The following figure displays the sample results of a successful run of the external serial loopback test.
      Figure 91. Successful Hardware Testing Results For the External Serial Loopback Test