GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 817660
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.4.5. Custom Cadence Control and Status Signals

Table 42.  Custom Cadence Control and Status Signals
Signal Name Clocks Domain/Resets Direction Description



output Indicates the rate at which data_valid pin must be asserted and deasserted when the system is running at a higher clock rate than the PMA word clock. Use this signal to assert and de-assert the TX PMA Interface data valid bit when custom cadence generation ports and logic is enabled. Refer to Parallel Data Mapping Information.
i_tx_cadence_fast_clk N/A input Fast clock input for TX cadence generator. Use this as the system clock within Agilex™ 5 device (or use (system clock)/2 when Core Interface is in double width mode). Refer to Custom Cadence Generation Ports and Logic..
i_tx_cadence_slow_clk N/A input Slow clock input for TX cadence generator. Use this clock as the PMA word clock (or PMA word clock/2 when Core Interface is in double width mode). Refer to Custom Cadence Generation Ports and Logic.
i_tx_cadence_slow_clk_locked N/A input By default, CCG logic assumes i_tx_cadence_slow_clk_locked is coming from TX PLL, and uses o_tx_pll_locked to deassert CGG logic reset. However, if tx_cadence_slow_clk is not directly coming from the TX PLL word clock/user clock), but rather comes from other clock source, then you must turn on the tx_cadence_slow_clk_locked port option in the parameter editor. i_tx_cadence_slow_clk_locked must be driven by the PLL locked output of the other clock source used for slow clock.