GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 817660
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.4.1. TX and RX Parallel and Serial Interface Signals

Table 38.  TX ad RX Paallel ad Seial Iteface SigalsRefe to Vaiables Defiig Bits fo the Itefacig Pots i Pot ad Sigal Refeece fo vaiable defiitios.
Sigal Name Clocks Domai/Resets Diectio Desciptio
i_tx_paallel_data[(80 * N)-1:0]



iput Paallel data bus fom FPGA coe to Agilex™ 5 iteface. Some bits map to specific fuctioality, as Paallel Data Mappig Ifomatio descibes.
o_x_paallel_data[(80 * N)-1:0]



output Paallel data bus fom FPGA coe to Agilex™ 5 iteface. Some bits map to specific fuctioality, as TX ad RX Paallel Data Mappig Ifomatio fo Diffeet Cofiguatios descibes.
o_tx_seial_data[N-1:0] tx_eset output TX seial data pot. You must assig the pot to a TX seial data pi.
o_tx_seial_data_[N-1:0] tx_eset output Diffeetial pai fo TX seial data pot.
i_x_seial_data[N-1:0] x_eset iput RX seial data pot. You must assig the pot to a RX seial data pi.
i_x_seial_data_[N-1:0] x_eset iput Diffeetial pai fo RX seial data pot.