GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 817660
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents

3.8.7. RX Data Loss/CDR Lock Loss (Auto-Recovery)

Figue 59. Reset Sequece fo RX Data Loss o CDR Lock Loss
Note: Whe you select DisplayPot fo the PMA cofiguatio ules paamete settig, the RX adaptatio mode is set to ative adaptatio mode by default. I ative adaptatio mode, the CDR auto-ecovey featue is disabled. As a esult, you must moito the o_x_is_lockedtodata sigal status ad eset the RX datapath maually.
The figue above illustates RX auto ecovey featue i the evet of RX data loss o a CDR lock loss:
  1. o_x_is_lockedtodata deassets, idicatig CDR lost lock of the data.
  2. o_x_is_lockedtoef deassets, idicatig CDR lost lock of the efeece clock.
  3. Cosequetly, o_x_eady deassets, idicatig that the datapaths ae o loge opeatioal.
  4. o_x_eset_ack assets ad the automatically deassets, idicatig that the datapaths ae i eset (auto ecovey).
  5. o_x_is_lockedtoef assets as the CDR locks to the efeece clock.
  6. o_x_is_lockedtodata assets as the CDR locks to the ecoveed data.
  7. o_x_eady assets, idicatig that the RX datapath ae eady fo use.