GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 817660
Date 1/24/2025
Document Table of Contents

6.4.1. Modifying the Example Design and Performing Simulation

If you want to modify the example design to change the data rate, system PLL clock frequency, increase the number of PMA lanes and so on, you can reuse the existing example design and perform following changes:
  1. Update and re-configure the GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel FPGA IP, GTS System PLL Clock Intel FPGA IP, and GTS Reset Sequencer Intel FPGA IP.
    1. Generate and instantiate the GTS Reset Sequencer Intel FPGA IP and make sure the connections of the i_src_rs_req and o_src_rs_grant ports are connected correctly to the GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel FPGA IP. If you add more GTS transceiver banks in the design, you must ensure proper connections for the o_pma_cu_clk port. Refer to Implementing the GTS Reset Sequencer Intel FPGA IP for more information.
    Note: You must ensure that the system PLL frequency in the GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel FPGA IP and GTS System PLL Clocks Intel FPGA IP is set to the same value, if you are using the system PLL clocking mode.
  2. Regenerate the IPs by clicking Generate HDL.
  3. Run Analysis and Synthesis.
  4. Initialize and make changes to the testbench variable files in the following example design directory <example_design/rtl>:
    1. and
    2. param_defines.iv and param_defines1.iv
  5. After making the necessary changes, refer to Simulating the GTS PMA/FEC Direct PHY Intel FPGA IP Example Design Testbench to run the simulation and analyze results.
Note: By default, the simulation model implements a faster clock speed in the soft reset controller to reduce the simulation duration. Due to this, the simulation waveform shown may differ from the actual waveform captured in hardware. If you want to use the same clock speed of the soft reset controller in the simulation model, you can enable it through a macro in the simulation run scripts by using the following syntax:
