GTS Transceiver PHY User Guide

ID 817660
Date 10/07/2024
Document Table of Contents I/O PLLs in HVIO Bank as System PLL

Below the GTS transceiver banks, there is a HVIO bank which contains one IOPLL. This IOPLL can be used as a second System PLL. For certain devices, there is only one GTS transceiver bank and therefore only one system PLL is available. For these devices, you can use the I/O PLL in the adjacent HVIO bank as a second system PLL if needed.

The following devices have only one GTS transceiver bank and one system PLL:
  • A5E 008
  • A5E 013
As the I/O PLL is different from the system PLL, you have to instantiate the I/O PLL using the IOPLL Intel FPGA IP instead of the GTS System PLL Clocks Intel FPGA IP. Refer to the Clocking and PLL User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs for more information. The current release of the Quartus® Prime Pro Edition software does not support this feature.
Note: The I/O PLL in the slowest device speed grade is not capable of reaching the system PLL's maximum frequency of 1000 MHz. Refer to the device datasheet for the I/O PLL specifications.