External Memory Interfaces (EMIF) IP User Guide: Agilex™ 5 FPGAs and SoCs

ID 817467
Date 7/08/2024

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3.5. Agilex™ 5 EMIF IP for Hard Processor Subsystem (HPS)

The Agilex™ 5 FPGA EMIF IP can enable the Agilex™ 5 FPGA hard processor subsystem (HPS) to access external DRAM memory devices.

To enable connectivity between the HPS and the Agilex™ 5 EMIF IP, you must create and configure an instance of the EMIF for HPS IP, and connect it to the Agilex™ 5 FPGA hard processor subsystem instance in your system.

Restrictions on I/O Bank Usage for Agilex™ 5 EMIF IP with HPS

The following restrictions apply to the I/O bank usage:

  • Only the two IO96 banks adjacent to the HPS MPFE can be used for HPS-EMIF. (Banks 3A and 3B.)
  • If only one IO96 bank is to be used by HPS-EMIF, it must be the one adjacent to the HPS MPFE. (Bank 3A.)
  • No protocol's data width usage may span multiple IO96 banks. For example, a single DDR4 x64, which requires 8 byte lanes for data and 3 byte lanes for address and control, may not span two IO96 banks. However, a single DDR4 x32, which requires 4 byte lanes of data and 3 byte lanes of address and control, may be placed in one IO96 bank and another single DDR4 x32 may be placed in another IO96 bank.

  • Unused pins in an HPS-EMIF occupied IO96 bank must be left unused; you cannot use them as general-purpose I/O pins.
  • Unused lanes in an HPS-EMIF occupied IO96 bank must be left unconnected; you cannot use them as general-purpose I/O pins.
  • HPS-EMIF and AVSTx16 configuration mode cannot be used simultaneously, because both use bank 3A.
  • Reference clock sharing is not allowed between HPS-EMIF IP and other IPs.
  • For multi-channel EMIFs or when multiple EMIFs are used inside HPS-EMIF IP, they must have identical IP parameters.
Table 29.  HPS EMIF Mapping
Protocol Channel Data Width BL7 BL6 BL5 BL4 BL3 BL2 BL1 BL0
DDR4 Single x16 DQ[1] AC2 AC1 AC0 DQ[0]
Single x16+ECC DQ[ECC] DQ[1] AC2 AC1 AC0 DQ[0]
Single x32 DQ[3] DQ[2] DQ[1] AC2 AC1 AC0 DQ[0]
Single x32+ECC DQ[ECC] DQ[3] DQ[2] DQ[1] AC2 AC1 AC0 DQ[0]
Dual 1 x32 DQ[3] DQ[2] DQ[1] AC2 AC1 AC0 DQ[0]
Dual 1 x32+ECC DQ[ECC] DQ[3] DQ[2] DQ[1] AC2 AC1 AC0 DQ[0]
Single x64 Not supported
Single x64+ECC Not supported
1 Uses two IO96 banks adjacent to the HPS MPFE.
DDR5 Single x16 AC1 AC0 DQ[0] DQ[1]
Single x16 DQ[1] DQ[0] AC1 AC0
Dual x16 DQ[1] DQ[0] AC1 AC0 AC1 AC0 DQ[0] DQ[1]
Single x16+ECC DQ[ECC] AC1 AC0 DQ[0] DQ[1]
Single x32 DQ[3] DQ[2] AC1 AC0 DQ[0] DQ[1]
Single x32+ECC DQ[ECC] DQ[3] DQ[2] AC1 AC0 DQ[0] DQ[1]
Dual 1 x32 DQ[3] DQ[2] AC1 AC0 DQ[0] DQ[1]
Dual 1 x32+ECC DQ[ECC] DQ[3] DQ[2] AC1 AC0 DQ[0] DQ[1]
1 Uses two IO96 banks adjacent to the HPS MPFE.
LPDDR4 Single x16 AC1 AC0 DQ[1] DQ[0]
Dual x16 DQ[1] DQ[0] AC1 AC0 AC1 AC0 DQ[1] DQ[0]
Quad 1 x16 DQ[1] DQ[0] AC1 AC0 AC1 AC0 DQ[1] DQ[0]
Single x32 DQ[3] DQ[2] AC1 AC0 DQ[1] DQ[0]
Dual 1 x32 DQ[3] DQ[2] AC1 AC0 DQ[1] DQ[0]
1 Uses two IO96 banks adjacent to the HPS MPFE.
LPDDR5 Single x16 AC1 AC0 DQ[1] DQ[0]
Dual x16 DQ[1] DQ[0] AC1 AC0 AC1 AC0 DQ[1] DQ[0]
Quad 1 x16 DQ[1] DQ[0] AC1 AC0 AC1 AC0 DQ[1] DQ[0]
Single x32 DQ[3] DQ[2] AC1 AC0 DQ[1] DQ[0]
Dual 1 x32 DQ[3] DQ[2] AC1 AC0 DQ[1] DQ[0]
1 Uses two IO96 banks adjacent to the HPS MPFE.