Intel® Arria® 10 Hard Processor System Technical Reference Manual

ID 683711
Date 1/10/2023

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Document Table of Contents Cache Coherency for ACP Shared Requests

When a shared access is received on the ACP, caches are checked for coherency of the requested address. A shared access occurs when two masters access the same memory space.

This coherency check is performed by the SCU. If a cache hit occurs during a write access, the affected cache lines are cleaned and invalidated. This event may cause an eviction from the L1 cache to be sent to L2 memory if the L1 cache line is dirty. Once the invalidation and possible eviction is completed, the ACP write request is written to L2 memory. If an eviction was executed from L1 cache, then two consecutive writes to L2 memory occur over the AXI bus: the write from the eviction and the write from the ACP.

For a cache hit during a read access, the L1 cache line is provided by the CPU and is returned to the ACP.

For a cache miss during a write access, the invalidation is considered as complete and the ACP request is sent to L2 memory.

For a cache miss during a read access, the request is forwarded to L2 memory, which returns the data directly to the ACP.

Note: Shared write requests are always transferred to the L2 memory once the cache line is potentially clean and invalidated in the L1 cache memory. Reads are observed on the L2 only if they miss in the L1 cache.