Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Initializes a stream using the block-splitting method with partitioned number of skipped elements.


status = vslSkipAheadStreamEx( stream, n, nskip);

Include Files

  • mkl.h

Input Parameters






Pointer to the stream state structure to which block-splitting method is applied


const MKL_INT

Number of summands in nskip


const MKL_UINT64[]

Partitioned number of skipped elements


The vslSkipAheadStreamEx function skips a given number of elements in a random stream. This feature is particularly useful in distributing random numbers from original random stream across different computational nodes. If the largest number of random numbers used by a computational node is nskip, then the original random sequence may be split by vslSkipAheadStreamEx into non-overlapping blocks of nskip size so that each block corresponds to the respective computational node. The number of computational nodes is unlimited. This method is known as the block-splitting method or as the skip-ahead method.

Use this function when the number of elements to skip in a random stream is greater than 263. Prior calls to the function represent the number of skipped elements with array of size n as shown below:

nskip[0]+ nskip[1]*264+nskip[2]* 2128+ … +nskip[n-1]*2(64*(n-1) );

When the number of skipped elements is less than 263 you can use either vslSkipAheadtreamEx or vslSkipAheadStream. The following code illustrates how to initialize three independent streams using the vslSkipAheadStreamEx function:

VSLStreamStatePtr stream1; VSLStreamStatePtr stream2; VSLStreamStatePtr stream3;

/* Creating the 1st stream
status = vslNewStream(&stream1, VSL_BRNG_MCG31, 174);

/* To skip 2^64 elements in the random stream SkipAheadStreamEx(nskip) function should be called with nskip represented as nskip = 2^64 = 0 + 1 * 2^64
MKL_UINT64 nskip[2];

/* Skipping ahead by 2^64 elements the 2nd stream
status = vslCopyStream(&stream2, stream1); 
status = vslSkipAheadStreamEx (stream2, 2, nskip);

/* Skipping ahead by 2^64 elements the 3rd stream
status = vslCopyStream(&stream3, stream2); 
status = vslSkipAheadStreamEx (stream3, 2, nskip);

/* Generating random numbers
/* Deleting the streams
status = vslDeleteStream(&stream1);
status = vslDeleteStream(&stream2);
status = vslDeleteStream(&stream3);

Return Values


Indicates no error, execution is successful.


stream is a NULL pointer.


stream is not a valid random stream.


BRNG does not support the advanced Skip-Ahead method.