Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Modifies a parameter value in a Data Fitting task descriptor.


status = dfiEditVal(task, val_attr, val)

Include Files

  • mkl.h

Input Parameters






Descriptor of the task.


const MKL_INT

The parameter to change. See table "Parameters Supported by the dfiEditVal Task Editor".


const MKL_INT

A new parameter value. See table "Parameters Supported by the dfiEditVal Task Editor".

Output Parameters






Status of the routine:


The dfiEditVal task editor replaces the parameter of type val_attr stored in a Data Fitting task descriptor with a new value val. The table below describes valid types of parameter val_attr supported by the editor:

Parameters Supported by the dfiEditVal Task Editor

Parameter Attribute



Number of breakpoints


A flag describing the structure of partition. See table "Hint Values for Partition x" for the list of available values.


Dimension of the vector-valued function


A flag describing the structure of the vector-valued function. See table "Hint Values for Vector Function y" for the list of available values.


Spline order. See table "Spline Orders Supported by Data Fitting Functions" for the list of available values.


Spline type. See table "Spline Types Supported by Data Fitting Functions" for the list of available values.


Type of boundary conditions used in spline construction. See table "Boundary Conditions Supported by Data Fitting Functions" for the list of available values.


Type of internal conditions used in spline construction. See table "Internal Conditions Supported by Data Fitting Functions" for the list of available values.


A flag describing the structure of spline coefficients. See table "Hint Values for Spline Coefficients" for the list of available values.


A flag which controls checking of Data Fitting parameters. See table "Possible Values for the DF_CHECK_FLAG Parameter" for the list of available values.

If you pass a zero value for the parameter describing the size of the arrays that hold coefficients for a partition, a vector-valued function, or a spline, the parameter held in the Data fitting task remains unchanged and the routine returns an error code. For the predefined error codes, see "Task Status and Error Reporting".

Possible Values for the DF_CHECK_FLAG Parameter
Value Description

Checks the correctness of parameters of Data Fitting computational routines (default mode).


Disables checking of the correctness of parameters of Data Fitting computational routines.

Use DF_CHECK_FLAG for val_attr in order to control validation of parameters of Data Fitting computational routines such as df?Construct1D, df?Interpolate1D/df?InterpolateEx1D, and df?SearchCells1D/df?SearchCellsEx1D, which can perform better with a small number of interpolation sites or integration limits (fewer than one dozen). The default mode, with checking of parameters enabled, should be used as you develop a Data Fitting-based application. After you complete development you can disable parameter checking in order to improve the performance of your application.

If you modify the parameter describing dimensions of the arrays that hold the vector-valued function or spline coefficients in contiguous memory, you should call the df?EditPtr task editor with the corresponding pointers to the vector-valued function or spline coefficients even when this pointer remains unchanged. Call the df?EditIdxPtr editor if those arrays are stored in non-contiguous memory locations.

You must call the dfiEditVal task editor to edit the structure of the partition DF_XHINT every time you modify a partition using df?EditPtr, even if the structure of the partition remains the same.