Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Gathers a full-storage sparse vector's elements into compressed form.


void cblas_sgthr (const MKL_INT nz, const float *y, float *x, const MKL_INT *indx);

void cblas_dgthr (const MKL_INT nz, const double *y, double *x, const MKL_INT *indx);

void cblas_cgthr (const MKL_INT nz, const void *y, void *x, const MKL_INT *indx);

void cblas_zgthr (const MKL_INT nz, const void *y, void *x, const MKL_INT *indx);

Include Files

  • mkl.h


The ?gthr routines gather the specified elements of a full-storage sparse vector y into compressed form(nz, x, indx). The routines reference only the elements of y whose indices are listed in the array indx:

x[i] = y]indx[i]], for i=0,1,... ,nz-1.

Input Parameters


The number of elements of y to be gathered.


Specifies indices of elements to be gathered.

Array, size at least nz.


Array, size at least max(indx[i]).

Output Parameters


Array, size at least nz.

Contains the vector converted to the compressed form.