Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Computes the Cholesky factorization of a symmetric (Hermitian) positive-definite tridiagonal distributed matrix.


void pspttrf (MKL_INT *n , float *d , float *e , MKL_INT *ja , MKL_INT *desca , float *af , MKL_INT *laf , float *work , MKL_INT *lwork , MKL_INT *info );

void pdpttrf (MKL_INT *n , double *d , double *e , MKL_INT *ja , MKL_INT *desca , double *af , MKL_INT *laf , double *work , MKL_INT *lwork , MKL_INT *info );

void pcpttrf (MKL_INT *n , float *d , MKL_Complex8 *e , MKL_INT *ja , MKL_INT *desca , MKL_Complex8 *af , MKL_INT *laf , MKL_Complex8 *work , MKL_INT *lwork , MKL_INT *info );

void pzpttrf (MKL_INT *n , double *d , MKL_Complex16 *e , MKL_INT *ja , MKL_INT *desca , MKL_Complex16 *af , MKL_INT *laf , MKL_Complex16 *work , MKL_INT *lwork , MKL_INT *info );

Include Files

  • mkl_scalapack.h


The p?pttrffunction computes the Cholesky factorization of an n-by-n real symmetric or complex hermitian positive-definite tridiagonal distributed matrix A(1:n, ja:ja+n-1).

The resulting factorization is not the same factorization as returned from LAPACK. Additional permutations are performed on the matrix for the sake of parallelism.

The factorization has the form:

A(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) = P*L*D*LH*PT, or

A(1:n, ja:ja+n-1) = P*UH*D*U*PT,

where P is a permutation matrix, and U and L are tridiagonal upper and lower triangular matrices, respectively.

Product and Performance Information

Performance varies by use, configuration and other factors. Learn more at

Notice revision #20201201

Input Parameters


(global) The order of the distributed submatrix A(1:n, ja:ja+n-1)

(n 0).

d, e


Pointers into the local memory to arrays of size nb_a each.

On entry, the array d contains the local part of the global vector storing the main diagonal of the distributed matrix A.

On entry, the array e contains the local part of the global vector storing the upper diagonal of the distributed matrix A.


(global) The index in the global matrix A indicating the start of the matrix to be operated on (which may be either all of A or a submatrix of A).


(global and local ) array of size dlen_. The array descriptor for the distributed matrix A.

If dtype_a = 501, then dlen_ 7;

else if dtype_a = 1, then dlen_ 9.


(local) The size of the array af.

Must be lafnb_a+2.

If laf is not large enough, an error code will be returned and the minimum acceptable size will be returned in af[0].


(local) Workspace array of size lwork .


(local or global) The size of the work array, must be at least

lwork 8*NPCOL.

Output Parameters

d, e

On exit, overwritten by the details of the factorization.



Array of size laf.

Auxiliary fill-in space. The fill-in space is created in a call to the factorization function p?pttrf and stored in af.

Note that if a linear system is to be solved using p?pttrs after the factorization function,af must not be altered.


On exit, work[0] contains the minimum value of lwork required for optimum performance.



If info=0, the execution is successful.

info < 0:

If the i-th argument is an array and the j-th entry, indexed j - 1, had an illegal value, then info = -(i*100+j); if the i-th argument is a scalar and had an illegal value, then info = -i.

info> 0:

If info = kNPROCS, the submatrix stored on processor info and factored locally was not positive definite, and the factorization was not completed.

If info = k > NPROCS, the submatrix stored on processor info-NPROCS representing interactions with other processors was not nonsingular, and the factorization was not completed.

See Also