Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Computes a spline-based integral.


status = dfsIntegrate1D(task, method, nlim, llim, llimhint, rlim, rlimhint, ldatahint, rdatahint, r, rhint)

status = dfdIntegrate1D(task, method, nlim, llim, llimhint, rlim, rlimhint, ldatahint, rdatahint, r, rhint)

status = dfsIntegrateEx1D(task, method, nlim, llim, llimhint, rlim, rlimhint, ldatahint, rdatahint, r, rhint, le_cb, le_params, re_cb, re_params, i_cb, i_params, search_cb, search_params)

status = dfdIntegrateEx1D(task, method, nlim, llim, llimhint, rlim, rlimhint, ldatahint, rdatahint, r, rhint, le_cb, le_params, re_cb, re_params, i_cb, i_params, search_cb, search_params)

Include Files

  • mkl.h

Input Parameters






Descriptor of the task.


const MKL_INT

Integration method. The supported value is DF_METHOD_PP.


const MKL_INT

Number of pairs of integration limits.


const float* for dfsIntegrate1D/dfsIntegrateEx1D

const double* for dfdIntegrate1D/dfdIntegrateEx1D

Array of size nlim that defines the left-side integration limits.


const MKL_INT

A flag describing the structure of the left-side integration limits llim. For the list of possible values of llimhint, see table "Hint Values for Integration Limits". If you set the flag to the DF_NO_HINT value, the library assumes that the left-side integration limits define a non-uniform partition.


const float* for dfsIntegrate1D/dfsIntegrateEx1D

const double* for dfdIntegrate1D/dfdIntegrateEx1D

Array of size nlim that defines the right-side integration limits.


const MKL_INT

A flag describing the structure of the right-side integration limits rlim. For the list of possible values of rlimhint, see table "Hint Values for Integration Limits". If you set the flag to the DF_NO_HINT value, the library assumes that the right-side integration limits define a non-uniform partition.


const float* for dfsIntegrate1D/dfsIntegrateEx1D

const double* for dfdIntegrate1D/dfdIntegrateEx1D

Array that contains additional information about the structure of partition x and left-side integration limits. For details on the ldatahint array, see table "Structure of the datahint Array" in the description of the df?Interpolate1D function.


const float* for dfsIntegrate1D/dfsIntegrateEx1D

const double* for dfdIntegrate1D/dfdIntegrateEx1D

Array that contains additional information about the structure of partition x and right-side integration limits. For details on the rdatahint array, see table "Structure of the datahint Array" in the description of the df?Interpolate1D function.


const MKL_INT

A flag describing the structure of the results. For the list of possible values of rhint, see table "Hint Values for Integration Results". If you set the flag to the DF_NO_HINT value, the library stores the results in row-major format.


constdfsIntegrCallBack for dfsIntegrateEx1D

constdfdIntegrCallBack for dfdIntegrateEx1D

User-defined callback function for integration on interval [ llim[i], min(rlim[i], a)) for llim[i] < a .

Set to NULL if you are not supplying a callback function.


const void*

Pointer to additional user-defined parameters passed by the library to the le_cb function.

Set to NULL if there are no additional parameters or if you are not supplying a callback function.


constdfsInterpCallBack for dfsIntegrateEx1D

constdfdInterpCallBack for dfdIntegrateEx1D

User-defined callback function for integration on interval [max(llim[i], b), rlim[i]) for rlim[i]b.

Set to NULL if you are not supplying a callback function.


const void*

Pointer to additional user-defined parameters passed by the library to the re_cb function.

Set to NULL if there are no additional parameters or if you are not supplying a callback function.


constdfsIntegrCallBack for dfsIntegrateEx1D

constdfdIntegrCallBack for dfdIntegrateEx1D

User-defined callback function for integration on interval [max(a, llim[i], ), min(rlim[i], b)).

Set to NULL if you are not supplying a callback function.


const void*

Pointer to additional user-defined parameters passed by the library to the i_cb function.

Set to NULL if there are no additional parameters or if you are not supplying a callback function.


constdfsSearchCellsCallBack for dfsIntegrateEx1D

constdfdSearchCellsCallBack for dfdIntegrateEx1D

User-defined callback function for computing indices of cells that can contain interpolation sites.

Set to NULL if you are not supplying a callback function.


const void*

Pointer to additional user-defined parameters passed by the library to the search_cb function.

Set to NULL if there are no additional parameters or if you are not supplying a callback function.

Output Parameters






Status of the routine:

  • DF_STATUS_OK if the routine execution completed successfully.
  • Non-zero error code if the routine execution failed. See "Task Status and Error Reporting" for error code definitions.


float* for dfsIntegrate1D/dfsIntegrateEx1D

double* for dfdIntegrate1D/dfdIntegrateEx1D

Array of integration results. The size of the array should be sufficient to hold nlim*ny values, where ny is the dimension of the vector-valued function. The integration results are packed according to the settings in rhint.


The df?Integrate1D/df?IntegrateEx1D routines do not support in-place computations. You must provide non-aliasing memory locations for the llim and rlim input parameters and the r output parameter.


The df?Integrate1D/df?IntegrateEx1D routine computes spline-based integral on user-defined intervals


where rli = rlim[i], lli = llim[i], and i = 0, ..., ny - 1.

If rlim[i] < llim[i], the routine returns

The routine supports the following hint values for integration results:

Hint Values for Integration Results




Data is stored in row-major format according to C conventions.


Data is stored in column-major format according to Fortran conventions.


No hint is provided. By default, the coordinates of vector-valued function y are provided and stored in row-major format.

A common structure of the storage formats for the integration results is as follows:

  • Row-major format

    I(0, 0)


    I(0, nlim - 1)




    I (ny - 1, 0)


    I(ny - 1, nlim - 1)

  • Column-major format

    I(0, 0)


    I (ny - 1, 0)




    I(0, nlim - 1)


    I(ny - 1, nlim - 1)

Using the llimhint and rlimhint parameters, you can provide the following hint values for integration limits:

Hint Values for Integration Limits




Integration limits are sorted in the ascending order and define a non-uniform partition.


Partition defined by integration limits is non-uniform.


Partition defined by integration limits is uniform.


No hint is provided. By default, partition defined by integration limits is interpreted as non-uniform.

To compute integration with splines unsupported in the Data Fitting component, use the extended version of the routine df?IntegrateEx1D. With this routine, you can provide user-defined callback functions that compute:

  • integrals within, to the left of, or to the right of the interpolation interval [a, b]
  • indices of cells that contain the provided integration limits or can serve as an approximation for computing the exact indices of such cells

If you do not pass callback functions, the routine uses the default settings.