Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Computes a blocked QR factorization of a general real or complex matrix using the compact WY representation of Q.


lapack_int LAPACKE_sgeqrt (int matrix_layout, lapack_int m, lapack_int n, lapack_int nb, float* a, lapack_int lda, float* t, lapack_int ldt);

lapack_int LAPACKE_dgeqrt (int matrix_layout, lapack_int m, lapack_int n, lapack_int nb, double* a, lapack_int lda, double* t, lapack_int ldt);

lapack_int LAPACKE_cgeqrt (int matrix_layout, lapack_int m, lapack_int n, lapack_int nb, lapack_complex_float* a, lapack_int lda, lapack_complex_float* t, lapack_int ldt);

lapack_int LAPACKE_zgeqrt (int matrix_layout, lapack_int m, lapack_int n, lapack_int nb, lapack_complex_double* a, lapack_int lda, lapack_complex_double* t, lapack_int ldt);

Include Files

  • mkl.h


The strictly lower triangular matrix V contains the elementary reflectors H(i) in the ith column below the diagonal. For example, if m=5 and n=3, the matrix V is


where vi represents one of the vectors that define H(i). The vectors are returned in the lower triangular part of array a.


The 1s along the diagonal of V are not stored in a.

Let k = min(m,n). The number of blocks is b = ceiling(k/nb), where each block is of order nb except for the last block, which is of order ib = k - (b-1)*nb. For each of the b blocks, a upper triangular block reflector factor is computed:t1, t2, ..., tb. The nb-by-nb (and ib-by-ib for the last block) ts are stored in the nb-by-n array t as

t = (t1t2 ... tb).

Input Parameters


Specifies whether matrix storage layout is row major (LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR) or column major (LAPACK_COL_MAJOR).


The number of rows in the matrix A (m ≥ 0).


The number of columns in A (n ≥ 0).


The block size to be used in the blocked QR (min(m, n) ≥ nb ≥ 1).


Array a of size max(1, lda*n) for column major layout and max(1, lda*m) for row major layout contains the m-by-n matrix A.


The leading dimension of a; at least max(1, m) for column major layout and max(1, n) for row major layout.


The leading dimension of t; at least nb for column major layout and max(1, min(m, n)) for row major layout.

Output Parameters


Overwritten by the factorization data as follows:

The elements on and above the diagonal of the array contain the min(m,n)-by-n upper trapezoidal matrix R (R is upper triangular if mn); the elements below the diagonal, with the array t, present the orthogonal matrix Q as a product of min(m,n) elementary reflectors (see Orthogonal Factorizations).


Array, size max(1, ldt*min(m, n)) for column major layout and max(1, ldt*nb) for row major layout.

The upper triangular block reflector's factors stored as a sequence of upper triangular blocks.

Return Values

This function returns a value info.

If info=0, the execution is successful.

If info < 0 and info = -i, the i-th parameter had an illegal value.