Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Initializes the solver for Jacobian calculations.


MKL_INT sjacobi_init (_JACOBIMATRIX_HANDLE_t* handle, const MKL_INT* n, const MKL_INT* m, const float* x, const float* fjac, const float* eps);

MKL_INT djacobi_init (_JACOBIMATRIX_HANDLE_t* handle, const MKL_INT* n, const MKL_INT* m, const double* x, const double* fjac, const double* eps);

Include Files

  • mkl.h


The routine initializes the solver.

Input Parameters

Length of x.

Length of F.


Array of size n. Vector, at which the function is evaluated.

A reference to this array is stored in handle for later use and modification by ?jacobi_solve.


Precision of the Jacobian matrix calculation.


Array of size m by n. Contains the Jacobian matrix of the function.

A reference to this array is stored in handle for later use and modification by ?jacobi_solve.

Output Parameters


Data object of the _JACOBIMATRIX_HANDLE_t type. Stores internal data, including pointers to the user-provided arrays x and fjac. It is important that the user does not move or deallocate these arrays until after calling the ?jacobi_delete routine.


Indicates task completion status.

  • res = TR_SUCCESS - the routine completed the task normally.

  • res = TR_INVALID_OPTION - there was an error in the input parameters.

  • res = TR_OUT_OF_MEMORY - there was a memory error.

TR_SUCCESS, TR_INVALID_OPTION, and TR_OUT_OF_MEMORY are defined in the mkl_rci.h include file.