Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Computes convolution or correlation for one-dimensional case.


status = vslsConvExec1D(task, x, xstride, y, ystride, z, zstride);

status = vsldConvExec1D(task, x, xstride, y, ystride, z, zstride);

status = vslcConvExec1D(task, x, xstride, y, ystride, z, zstride);

status = vslzConvExec1D(task, x, xstride, y, ystride, z, zstride);

status = vslsCorrExec1D(task, x, xstride, y, ystride, z, zstride);

status = vsldCorrExec1D(task, x, xstride, y, ystride, z, zstride);

status = vslcCorrExec1D(task, x, xstride, y, ystride, z, zstride);

status = vslzCorrExec1D(task, x, xstride, y, ystride, z, zstride);

Include Files

  • mkl.h

Input Parameters





VSLConvTaskPtr for vslsConvExec1D, vsldConvExec1D, vslcConvExec1D, vslzConvExec1D

VSLCorrTaskPtr for vslsCorrExec1D, vsldCorrExec1D, vslcCorrExec1D, vslzCorrExec1D

Pointer to the task descriptor.

x, y

const float[] for vslsConvExec1D and vslsCorrExec1D,

const double[] for vsldConvExec1D and vsldCorrExec1D,

const MKL_Complex8[] for vslcConvExec1D and vslcCorrExec1D,

const MKL_Complex16[] for vslzConvExec1D and vslzCorrExec1D

Pointers to arrays containing input data. See Data Allocation for more information.

xstride, ystride, zstride

const MKL_INT

Strides for input and output data. For more information, see stride parameters.

Output Parameters





const float[] for vslsConvExec1D and vslsCorrExec1D,

const double[] for vsldConvExec1D and vsldCorrExec1D,

const MKL_Complex8[] for vslcConvExec1D and vslcCorrExec1D,

const MKL_Complex16[] for vslzConvExec1D and vslzCorrExec1D

Pointer to the array that stores output data. See Data Allocation for more information.



Set to VSL_STATUS_OK if the task is executed successfully or set to non-zero error code otherwise.


Each of the vslConvExec1D/vslCorrExec1D routines computes convolution or correlation of the data provided by the arrays x and y and then stores the results in the array z. These routines represent a special one-dimensional version of the operation, assuming that the value of the parameter dims is 1. Using this version of execution routines can help speed up performance in case of one-dimensional data.

Parameters of the operation are read from the task descriptor created previously by a corresponding vslConvNewTask1D/vslCorrNewTask1D constructor and pointed to by task. If task is NULL, no operation is done.