Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Copies from a global parallel array into a local replicated array or vice versa.


void pslacp3 (const MKL_INT *m, const MKL_INT *i, float *a, const MKL_INT *desca, float *b, const MKL_INT *ldb, const MKL_INT *ii, const MKL_INT *jj, const MKL_INT *rev );

void pdlacp3 (const MKL_INT *m, const MKL_INT *i, double *a, const MKL_INT *desca, double *b, const MKL_INT *ldb, const MKL_INT *ii, const MKL_INT *jj, const MKL_INT *rev );

void pclacp3 (const MKL_INT *m, const MKL_INT *i, MKL_Complex8 *a, const MKL_INT *desca, MKL_Complex8 *b, const MKL_INT *ldb, const MKL_INT *ii, const MKL_INT *jj, const MKL_INT *rev);

void pzlacp3 (const MKL_INT *m, const MKL_INT *i, MKL_Complex16 *a, const MKL_INT *desca, MKL_Complex16 *b, const MKL_INT *ldb, const MKL_INT *ii, const MKL_INT *jj, const MKL_INT *rev);

Include Files

  • mkl_scalapack.h


This is an auxiliary function that copies from a global parallel array into a local replicated array or vise versa. Note that the entire submatrix that is copied gets placed on one node or more. The receiving node can be specified precisely, or all nodes can receive, or just one row or column of nodes.

Product and Performance Information

Performance varies by use, configuration and other factors. Learn more at

Notice revision #20201201

Input Parameters



m is the order of the square submatrix that is copied.

m 0. Unchanged on exit.


(global) The matrix element A(i, i) is the global location that the copying starts from. Unchanged on exit.



Array of size lld_a*LOCc(n_a). On entry, the parallel matrix to be copied into or from.


(global and local) array of size dlen_. The array descriptor for the distributed matrix A.



Array of size ldb*LOCc(m). If rev = 0, this is the global portion of the matrix A(i:i+m-1, i:i+m-1). If rev = 1, this is unchanged on exit.



The leading dimension of B.

ii, jj

(global) By using rev 0 and 1, data can be sent out and returned again. If rev = 0, then ii is destination row index and jj is destination column index for the node(s) receiving the replicated matrixB. If ii 0, jj 0, then node (ii, jj) receives the data. If ii = -1, jj 0, then all rows in column jj receive the data. If ii 0, jj = -1, then all cols in row ii receive the data. If ii = -1, jj = -1, then all nodes receive the data. If rev !=0, then ii is the source row index for the node(s) sending the replicated B.


(global) Use rev = 0 to send global matrixA into locally replicated matrixB (on node (ii, jj)). Use rev != 0 to send locally replicated B from node (ii, jj) to its owner (which changes depending on its location in A) into the global A.

Output Parameters


On exit, if rev = 1, the copied data. Unchanged on exit if rev = 0.


If rev = 1, this is unchanged on exit.

See Also