Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Provides progress information.


int mkl_progress (int* thread_process, int* step, char* stage, int lstage);

Include Files

  • mkl.h

Input Parameters





const int*

Indicates the number of thread or process the progress routine is called from:
  • The thread number for non-cluster components linked with OpenMP threading layer

  • Zero for non-cluster components linked with sequential threading layer

  • The process number (MPI rank) for cluster components


const int*

Pointer to the linear progress indicator that shows the amount of work done. Increases from 0 to the linear size of the problem during the computation.


const char*

Message indicating the name of the routine or the name of the computation stage the progress routine is called from.



The length of a stage string excluding the trailing NULL character.


The mkl_progress function is intended to track progress of a lengthy computation and/or interrupt the computation. By default this routine does nothing but the user application can redefine it to obtain the computation progress information. You can set it to perform certain operations during the routine computation, for instance, to print a progress indicator. A non-zero return value may be supplied by the redefined function to break the computation.


The user-defined mkl_progress function must be thread-safe.

Some Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) functions from LAPACK, ScaLAPACK, DSS/PARDISO, and Parallel Direct Sparse Solver for Clusters regularly call themkl_progress function during the computation. Refer to the description of a specific function from those domains to see whether the function supports this feature or not.

If a LAPACK function returns info=-1002, the function was interrupted by mkl_progress. Because ScaLAPACK does not support interruption of the computation, Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) ignores any value returned bymkl_progress.

While a user-supplied mkl_progress function usually redefines the default mkl_progress function automatically, some configurations require calling the mkl_set_progress function to replace the default mkl_progress function. Call mkl_set_progress to replace the default mkl_progress on Windows* in any of the following cases:

  • You are using the Single Dynamic Library (SDL) mkl_rt.lib.

  • You link dynamically with ScaLAPACK.


The mkl_progress function supports OpenMP*/TBB threading and sequential execution for specific routines.

Return Values






The stopping flag. A non-zero flag forces the routine to be interrupted. The zero flag is the default return value.


The following example prints the progress information to the standard output device:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h> 
#define BUFLEN 16 
int mkl_progress( int* thread_process, int* step, char* stage, int lstage )
  char buf[BUFLEN];
  if( lstage >= BUFLEN ) lstage = BUFLEN-1;
  strncpy( buf, stage, lstage );
  buf[lstage] = '\0';
  printf( "In thread %i, at stage %s, steps passed %i\n", *thread_process, buf, *step );
  return 0; 