Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Calculates the solution of a set of sparse linear equations with single or multiple right-hand sides.


void cluster_sparse_solver_64 (_MKL_DSS_HANDLE_t pt, const long long int *maxfct, const long long int *mnum, const long long int *mtype, const long long int *phase, const long long int *n, const void *a, const long long int *ia, const long long int *ja, long long int *perm, const long long int *nrhs, long long int *iparm, const long long int *msglvl, void *b, void *x, const int *comm, long long int *error);

Include Files

  • mkl_cluster_sparse_solver.h


The routine cluster_sparse_solver_64 is an alternative ILP64 (64-bit integer) version of the cluster_sparse_solver routine (see the Description section for more details). The interface of cluster_sparse_solver_64 is the same as the interface of cluster_sparse_solver, but it accepts and returns all integer data as long long int.

Use cluster_sparse_solver_64 when cluster_sparse_solverfor solving large matrices (with the number of non-zero elements on the order of 500 million or more). You can use it together with the usual LP64 interfaces for the rest of Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) functionality. In other words, if you use 64-bit integer version (cluster_sparse_solver_64), you do not need to re-link your applications with ILP64 libraries. Take into account that cluster_sparse_solver_64 may perform slower than regular cluster_sparse_solver on the reordering and symbolic factorization phase.


cluster_sparse_solver_64 is supported only in the 64-bit libraries. If cluster_sparse_solver_64 is called from the 32-bit libraries, it returns error =-12.


This routine supports the Progress Routine feature. See Progress Function for details.

Input Parameters

The input parameters of cluster_sparse_solver_64 are the same as the input parameters of cluster_sparse_solver, but cluster_sparse_solver_64 accepts all integer data as long long int.

Output Parameters

The output parameters of cluster_sparse_solver_64 are the same as the output parameters of cluster_sparse_solver, but cluster_sparse_solver_64 returns all integer data as long long int.