Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Generates a general m-by-n matrix .


lapack_int LAPACKE_slagge (int matrix_layout , lapack_int m , lapack_int n , lapack_int kl , lapack_int ku , const float * d , float * a , lapack_int lda , lapack_int * iseed );

lapack_int LAPACKE_dlagge (int matrix_layout , lapack_int m , lapack_int n , lapack_int kl , lapack_int ku , const double * d , double * a , lapack_int lda , lapack_int * iseed );

lapack_int LAPACKE_clagge (int matrix_layout , lapack_int m , lapack_int n , lapack_int kl , lapack_int ku , const float * d , lapack_complex_float * a , lapack_int lda , lapack_int * iseed );

lapack_int LAPACKE_zlagge (int matrix_layout , lapack_int m , lapack_int n , lapack_int kl , lapack_int ku , const double * d , lapack_complex_double * a , lapack_int lda , lapack_int * iseed );

Include Files

  • mkl.h


The routine generates a general m-by-n matrix A, by pre- and post- multiplying a real diagonal matrix D with random matrices U and V:

A := U*D*V,

where U and V are orthogonal for real flavors and unitary for complex flavors. The lower and upper bandwidths may then be reduced to kl and ku by additional orthogonal transformations.

Input Parameters

A <datatype> placeholder, if present, is used for the C interface data types in the C interface section above. See C Interface Conventions for the C interface principal conventions and type definitions.


The number of rows of the matrix A (m 0).


The number of columns of the matrix A (n 0).


The number of nonzero subdiagonals within the band of A (0 klm-1).


The number of nonzero superdiagonals within the band of A (0 kun-1).


The array d with the dimension of (min(m, n)) contains the diagonal elements of the diagonal matrix D.


The leading dimension of the array a (ldam) for column major layout and (ldan) for row major layout.


The array iseed with the dimension of 4 contains the seed of the random number generator. The elements must be between 0 and 4095 and iseed must be odd.

Output Parameters


The array a with size at least max(1,lda*n) for column major layout and max(1,lda*m) for row major layout contains the generated m-by-n matrix A.


The array iseed contains the updated seed on exit.

Return Values

This function returns a value info.

If info = 0, the execution is successful.

If info < 0, the i-th parameter had an illegal value.

If info = -1011, memory allocation error occurred.