Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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BLAS Level 1 Routines That Can Work With Sparse Vectors

The following BLAS Level 1 routines will give correct results when you pass to them a compressed-form array x(with the increment incx=1):


sum of absolute values of vector elements


copying a vector


Euclidean norm of a vector


scaling a vector


index of the element with the largest absolute value for real flavors, or the largest sum |Re(x[i])|+|Im(x[i])| for complex flavors.


index of the element with the smallest absolute value for real flavors, or the smallest sum |Re(x[i])|+|Im(x[i])| for complex flavors.

The result i returned by i?amax and i?amin should be interpreted as index in the compressed-form array, so that the largest (smallest) value is x[i-1]; the corresponding index in full-storage array is indx[i-1].

You can also call cblas_?rotg to compute the parameters of Givens rotation and then pass these parameters to the Sparse BLAS routines cblas_?roti.