Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Scales a symmetric/Hermitian matrix, using scaling factors computed by p?poequ .


void pslaqsy (char *uplo , MKL_INT *n , float *a , MKL_INT *ia , MKL_INT *ja , MKL_INT *desca , float *sr , float *sc , float *scond , float *amax , char *equed );

void pdlaqsy (char *uplo , MKL_INT *n , double *a , MKL_INT *ia , MKL_INT *ja , MKL_INT *desca , double *sr , double *sc , double *scond , double *amax , char *equed );

void pclaqsy (char *uplo , MKL_INT *n , MKL_Complex8 *a , MKL_INT *ia , MKL_INT *ja , MKL_INT *desca , float *sr , float *sc , float *scond , float *amax , char *equed );

void pzlaqsy (char *uplo , MKL_INT *n , MKL_Complex16 *a , MKL_INT *ia , MKL_INT *ja , MKL_INT *desca , double *sr , double *sc , double *scond , double *amax , char *equed );

Include Files

  • mkl_scalapack.h


The p?laqsyfunction equilibrates a symmetric distributed matrix sub(A) = A(ia:ia+n-1, ja:ja+n-1) using the scaling factors in the vectors sr and sc. The scaling factors are computed by p?poequ.

Input Parameters


(global) Specifies the upper or lower triangular part of the symmetric distributed matrix sub(A) is to be referenced:

= 'U': Upper triangular part;

= 'L': Lower triangular part.



The order of the distributed matrix sub(A). n 0.



Pointer into the local memory to an array of size lld_a * LOCc(ja+n-1).

On entry, this array contains the local pieces of the distributed matrix sub(A). On entry, the local pieces of the distributed symmetric matrix sub(A).

If uplo = 'U', the leading n-by-n upper triangular part of sub(A) contains the upper triangular part of the matrix, and the strictly lower triangular part of sub(A) is not referenced.

If uplo = 'L', the leading n-by-n lower triangular part of sub(A) contains the lower triangular part of the matrix, and the strictly upper triangular part of sub(A) is not referenced.

ia, ja


The row and column indices in the global matrix A indicating the first row and the first column of the matrix sub(A), respectively.


(global and local) array of size dlen_. The array descriptor for the distributed matrix A.



Array of size LOCr(m_a). The scale factors for the matrix A(ia:ia+m-1, ja:ja+n-1). sr is aligned with the distributed matrix A, and replicated across every process column. sr is tied to the distributed matrix A.



Array of size LOCc(m_a). The scale factors for the matrix A (ia:ia+m-1, ja:ja+n-1). sc is aligned with the distributed matrix A, and replicated across every process column. sc is tied to the distributed matrix A.



Ratio of the smallest sr[i] (respectively sc[j]) to the largest sr[i] (respectively sc[j]), with ia -1 ≤ i < ia+n-1 and ja -1 ≤ j < ja+n-1.



Absolute value of largest distributed submatrix entry.

Output Parameters


On exit,

if equed = 'Y', the equilibrated matrix:

diag(sr ia, ..., sr ia+n-1) * sub(A) * diag(sc ja, ..., sc ja+n-1).



Specifies whether or not equilibration was done.

= 'N': No equilibration.

= 'Y': Equilibration was done, that is, sub(A) has been replaced by:

diag(sr ia, ..., sr ia+n-1) * sub(A) * diag(sc ja, ..., sc ja+n-1).

See Also