Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Sets the additional error handler callback function and gets the old callback function.


oldcallback = vmlSetErrorCallBack( callback );

Include Files

  • mkl.h

Input Parameters






Pointer to the callback function.

The callback function has the following format:

static int __cdecl MyHandler(DefVmlErrorContext*
   /* Handler body */

The passed error structure is defined as follows:

typedef struct _DefVmlErrorContext
int iCode;/* Error status value */
int iIndex;/* Index for bad array
   element, or bad array
   dimension, or bad
   array pointer */
double dbA1; /* Error argument 1 */
double dbA2; /* Error argument 2 */
double dbR1; /* Error result 1 */
double dbR2; /* Error result 2 */
char cFuncName[64]; /* Function name */
int iFuncNameLen; /* Length of functionname*/
double dbA1Im; /* Error argument 1, imag part*/
double dbA2Im; /* Error argument 2, imag part*/
double dbR1Im; /* Error result 1, imag part*/
double dbR2Im; /* Error result 2, imag part*/
} DefVmlErrorContext;

Output Parameters






Pointer to the former callback function.


The callback function is called on each VM mathematical function error if VML_ERRMODE_CALLBACK error mode is set (see "Values of the mode Parameter").

Use the vmlSetErrorCallBack() function if you need to define your own callback function instead of default empty callback function.

The input structure for a callback function contains the following information about the error encountered:

  • the input value that caused an error

  • location (array index) of this value

  • the computed result value

  • error code

  • name of the function in which the error occurred.

You can insert your own error processing into the callback function. This may include correcting the passed result values in order to pass them back and resume computation. The standard error handler is called after the callback function only if it returns 0.