Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Computes a vector-vector dot product with double precision.


float cblas_sdsdot (const MKL_INT n, const float sb, const float *sx, const MKL_INT incx, const float *sy, const MKL_INT incy);

double cblas_dsdot (const MKL_INT n, const float *sx, const MKL_INT incx, const float *sy, const MKL_INT incy);

Include Files

  • mkl.h


The ?sdot routines compute the inner product of two vectors with double precision. Both routines use double precision accumulation of the intermediate results, but the sdsdot routine outputs the final result in single precision, whereas the dsdot routine outputs the double precision result. The function sdsdot also adds scalar value sb to the inner product.

Input Parameters


Specifies the number of elements in the input vectors sx and sy.


Single precision scalar to be added to inner product (for the function sdsdot only).

sx, sy

Arrays, size at least (1+(n -1)*abs(incx)) and (1+(n-1)*abs(incy)), respectively. Contain the input single precision vectors.


Specifies the increment for the elements of sx.


Specifies the increment for the elements of sy.

Output Parameters


Contains the result of the dot product of sx and sy (with sb added for sdsdot), if n is positive. Otherwise, res contains sb for sdsdot and 0 for dsdot.

Return Values

The result of the dot product of sx and sy (with sb added for sdsdot), if n is positive. Otherwise, returns sb for sdsdot and 0 for dsdot.