Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Summary Statistics Naming Conventions

The names of Summary Statistics routines, types, and constants are case-sensitive and can contain lowercase and uppercase characters (vslsSSEditQuantiles).

The names of routines have the following structure:

vsl[datatype]SS<base name>   


  • vslis a prefix indicating that the routine belongs to Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library (oneMKL) Vector Statistics.

  • [datatype] specifies the type of the input and/or output data and can be s (single precision real type), d (double precision real type), or i (integer type).

  • SS/ss indicates that the routine is intended for calculations of the Summary Statistics estimates.

  • <base name> specifies a particular functionality that the routine is designed for, for example, NewTask, Compute, DeleteTask.


The Summary Statistics routine vslDeleteTask for deletion of the task is independent of the data type and its name omits the [datatype] field.

On 64-bit platforms, routines with the _64 suffix support large data arrays in the LP64 interface library and enable you to mix integer types in one application. For more interface library details, see "Using the ILP64 Interface vs. LP64 Interface" in the developer guide.