Developer Reference for Intel® oneAPI Math Kernel Library for C

ID 766684
Date 3/22/2024

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Exports BSR matrix from internal representation.


sparse_status_t mkl_sparse_s_export_bsr (const sparse_matrix_t source, sparse_index_base_t *indexing, sparse_layout_t *block_layout, MKL_INT *rows, MKL_INT *cols, MKL_INT *block_size, MKL_INT **rows_start, MKL_INT **rows_end, MKL_INT **col_indx, float **values);

sparse_status_t mkl_sparse_d_export_bsr (const sparse_matrix_t source, sparse_index_base_t *indexing, sparse_layout_t *block_layout, MKL_INT *rows, MKL_INT *cols, MKL_INT *block_size, MKL_INT **rows_start, MKL_INT **rows_end, MKL_INT **col_indx, double **values);

sparse_status_t mkl_sparse_c_export_bsr (const sparse_matrix_t source, sparse_index_base_t *indexing, sparse_layout_t *block_layout, MKL_INT *rows, MKL_INT *cols, MKL_INT *block_size, MKL_INT **rows_start, MKL_INT **rows_end, MKL_INT **col_indx, MKL_Complex8 **values);

sparse_status_t mkl_sparse_z_export_bsr (const sparse_matrix_t source, sparse_index_base_t *indexing, sparse_layout_t *block_layout, MKL_INT *rows, MKL_INT *cols, MKL_INT *block_size, MKL_INT **rows_start, MKL_INT **rows_end, MKL_INT **col_indx, MKL_Complex16 **values);

Include Files

  • mkl_spblas.h


If the matrix specified by the source handle is in BSR format, the mkl_sparse_?_export_bsr routine exports an (block_size * rows)-by-(block_size * cols) matrix A in BSR format from the internal representation. The routine returns pointers to the internal representation and does not allocate additional memory.

If the matrix is not already in BSR format, the routine returns SPARSE_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE.

Input Parameters


Handle containing internal data.

Output Parameters

<!-- -->indexing

Indicates how input arrays are indexed.


Zero-based (C-style) indexing: indices start at 0.


One-based (Fortran-style) indexing: indices start at 1.


Specifies layout of blocks:


Storage of elements of blocks uses row major layout.


Storage of elements of blocks uses column major layout.


Number of block rows of the matrix source.


Number of block columns of matrix source.


Size of the square block in matrix source.


Pointer to array of length rows. This array contains row indices, such that rows_start[i] - ind is the first index of block row i in the arrays values and col_indx. ind takes 0 for zero-based indexing and 1 for one-based indexing.

Refer to pointerB array description in BSR Format for more details.


Pointer to array of length rows. This array contains row indices, such that rows_end[i] - ind - 1 is the last index of block row i in the arrays values and col_indx. ind takes 0 for zero-based indexing and 1 for one-based indexing.

Refer to pointerE array description in BSR Format for more details.


For one-based indexing, pointer to array containing the column indices plus one for each non-zero blocks of the matrix source. For zero-based indexing, pointer to array containing the column indices for each non-zero blocks of the matrix source. Its length is rows_end[rows - 1] - ind[0]. ind takes 0 for zero-based indexing and 1 for one-based indexing.


Pointer to array containing non-zero elements of matrix source. Its length is equal to length of the col_indx array multiplied by block_size*block_size.

Refer to the values array description in BSR Format for more details.

Return Values

The function returns a value indicating whether the operation was successful or not, and why.


The operation was successful.


The routine encountered an empty handle or matrix array.


Internal memory allocation failed.


The input parameters contain an invalid value.


Execution failed.


An error in algorithm implementation occurred.


The requested operation is not supported.